Deadline for Coursework - May 14th!
Any student wanting to graduate in May who owes correspondence courses, credit restoration work, 1621 coursework, or other coursework outside of GRHS must turn in grade reports to Mrs. Macha by May 14th to walk in the graduation ceremony.
Students who do not turn in coursework needed for graduation by that time will become candidates for summer graduation.
Contact Mrs. Macha if you have questions or concerns.
SchooLinks Alumni Access
When you are graduated out of the GRHS system, you will no longer have access to your SchooLinks account. You NEED access to this account because that is where you will request transcripts in the years to come! To set up your alumni account, please click the button below and follow the instructions.
This must be done before graduation!
Senior Service Cord Spring Deadline
The LCISD spring service cord deadline is April 15th for SENIORS! All service hours earned from December 15 - April 15 (Seniors) must be entered into SchooLinks AND approved by the volunteer supervisor by 11:59 PM on April 15. This is a hard deadline to receive your Service Cord. Please communicate with your supervisor to ensure your hours have been verified by them. This is a hard deadline. Any hours entered or approved after the deadline will not be accepted.